Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday - sales, sales, sales

  • pleasant, breezy morning; temp 70; high to be 92.
  • helped Candy with a printer problem - finally vendor agreed to replace failing printer - was in warranty.
  • Diane & Candy went over to craft sale at Tropic Star just North of us.
  • then in preparation for the park-wide yard sale, Jim & I washed a number of highly valuable items he selected from his garage that he felt he could do without now.
  • after lunch at Whatsaburger, I napped.
  • local park residents came by in the afternoon to purchase the valuable items in our front yard.
  • very warm afternoon with gusty winds; biked around park viewing yard sale items.
  • dinner with Candy & Dan and Dan's sister & her husband.
  • evening show called Valley Finale which included several performers from shows earlier in the year.
  • and tonight I have a few photos; enjoy!
Howard bought the old bike beside Jim - what a saleman!

the Valley Finale show

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