- calm, warm, fog/mist; temp 65; high to be low 80s.
- today is the Craft Sale in the Hall; setup started at 6.
- our morning project was mounting the new kitchen ceiling fan.
- no mini-golf today - rained out.
- ham sandwiches, potato salad, & pie at the Hall for lunch
- napped.
- afternoon cleared; warmed up; so I biked 4 miles.
- my pictures of the Craft Sale were terrible; don't know what happened; will include the best one.
- pot luck supper was great food.
- bingo afterward is always popular.
- and enjoy the pictures tonight.
Sorry for the poor quality; don't know what happened.
Sunset on foggy, muggy day; beautiful evening.
Bingo players in the Hall. Recognize 5 people in the center?
There they are; looks like Jim's really concentrating while Diane's daydreaming.
Note the bingo machine display up front; that was what Diane was watching; heh. heh.
The hall from the outside; can hardly see the bingo players.