Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday - foggy, muggy day became beautiful evening

  • calm, warm, fog/mist; temp 65; high to be low 80s.
  • today is the Craft Sale in the Hall; setup started at 6.
  • our morning project was mounting the new kitchen ceiling fan.
  • no mini-golf today - rained out.
  • ham sandwiches, potato salad, & pie at the Hall for lunch
  • napped.
  • afternoon cleared; warmed up; so I biked 4 miles.
  • my pictures of the Craft Sale were terrible; don't know what happened; will include the best one.
  • pot luck supper was great food.
  • bingo afterward is always popular.
  • and enjoy the pictures tonight.
Sorry for the poor quality; don't know what happened.


Sunset on foggy, muggy day; beautiful evening.

Bingo players in the Hall. Recognize 5 people in the center?

There they are; looks like Jim's really concentrating while Diane's daydreaming.

Note the bingo machine display up front; that was what Diane was watching; heh. heh.

The hall from the outside; can hardly see the bingo players.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday - end of 3 weeks

  • cloudy, calm, cool; temp 58; high to be only 73.
  • light rain shower this morning.
  • morning analyzed Saase's rain leak; had lunch with them.
  • and it misted & sprinkled all day.
  • afternoon, looked at a new refer & purchased ceiling fan.
  • Candy & Dan joined us for Diane's delicious chili this evening.
  • Jim's playing cards this evening.
  • No pictures today - will try harder tomorrow.

Sunday - birthday party today

  • cloudy, calm, cool morning; temp 51; high to be only 67.
  • Jim & Diane & Dan & Candy attended a "polka" church service at Candy's Mom's church. I chose to skip it.
  • After church, we collected about 50 chairs from a variety of friends & set them up at Irene's (Candy' mohter) for the birthday party at 2.
  • About 60 guests attended Irene's 85th birthday party. I took lots of pictures that I'll send to Candy for review and/or printing. Below is a sample.
  • weather was cloudy & cool all day; not reaching 70; but we made the most of it.
  • We didn't attend the Sunday Ice Cream Social as we'd had lots of goodies at the birthday party.
  • Tonight's movie is One Day. Boring...
Irene, the birthday lady is the one in the middle.

 Talking with guests.

 A guest's 6 month old grandchild.

The birthday lady. 

Candy is over the left shoulder of Irene. 

Talking with other guests.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday - busy day - but nice all day

  • pleasant, calm, cloudy morning; temp 61; clouds burnt off, now sunny, 71, at 11 AM; beautiful day.
  • I slept in till 7:30; didn't hear a sound; latest in years.
  • Jim had Biscuits & Gravy at the Hall while I slept.
  • after breakfast, Jim & Dan & I assembled a 5' 4 shelf bookcase, a surprise 85th birthday gift for Candy's mother who also lives down here.
  • this noon, we attend the West Zircon Block Party at the hall; lots of good food.
  • then after 1 PM we have to unload the surprise birthday gift bookcase into Candy's Mom's home; she's leaving to pick up her birthday cake for party tomorrow.
  • next I installed the bike odometer/computer that came in the mail today while Jim painted the veranda rail.
  • 2 mi bike ride
  • tonight we had supper at Pharr South prior to bingo; between supper & bingo, we play cards, 31; and wouldn't you know that Diane & Jim were the big winners - Diane won 90 cents while Jim won 15. Yippee!
can we all fit in there along with the bookcase?

maybe if I just push real hard, that seat up there will get out of the way.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday - another perfect weather day

  • another cool, calm, clear morning; temp 49; but so cool I'll have to wait a couple hours before biking.
  • Diane's breakfast of bacon & eggs was delicious.
  • mid-morning, I biked my 4 miles
  • Candy's lunch was scrumptious - cinnamon jello, wiener wraps & tator tots.
  • ran several errands including a Walmart stop; on the way we saw a very interesting truck with Mexican plates, hauling a very unusual load; can anyone guess what it is?
  • Diane cooked an appetizing pork chop dinner.
  • weather today was perfect; light breeze; comfortably warm (82); beautiful sunset.
  • more tomorrow.
 What in the world?

What is that? 

Bet they can't go under bridges.

All that crepe paper! or is that clothes?

We're right beside them & still don't know what it is. Ugh!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday - perfect weather - high 77

  • clear, breezy, cool morning; temp 53
  • Walmart run with Dan; got new mouse for Diane
  • biked 3 miles
  • left about noon for an afternoon of bowling & eating; went to Pins and Cues in Weslaco; only Dan & Jim bowled; must not have done too well as they didn't talk about it afterward.
  • Karaoke this evening; Jim didn't go this week either; now I'm sure he's sick.
  • The 2 videos below are from last evening; after I converted them to a new format; enjoy!

these 2 videos are poorer quality than those from last evening as I had to use a conversion that reduced quality in order to get the files under 100 MB each; doesn't affect music

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday - perfect weather

  • another warm, breezy, cloudy, not humid, morning; temp 73.
  • biked 3 miles this morning.
  • lunch at the Hall before the jam.
  • Jim attended the jam while Diane & I went grocery shopping.
  • after the jam & shopping, J&D went swimming while napped
  • evening's entertainers: Gold Wing Express; very entertaining.
  • and I shot 5 videos for you; enjoy!
beautiful sunset this evening; can you see Venus & the Moon?

our neighbor across the street when we left to go to the show

the Hall is filling up with the audience for the Gold Wing Express

the father with 3 Indian sons whose Indian mother died long ago when their boys were quite young

I have a couple more really good videos, but they're so large I can't upload them. I'll try to split them tomorrow and upload them then. Sorry.   :-(

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday - beginning of 3rd week

  • another warm, windy, cloudy morning; temp 72.
  • biked my 4 miles again this morning - every street in park.
  • on a cloudy, windy, morning we again ventured out to play miniature golf at The Zone; however, some significant scoring events occurred today; first off, Jim scored 2 holes-in-one, one in the front 18, & a second in the back 18; but Diane even bested that; she scored 2 consecutive holes-in-one on the 15th & 16th holes on the back 18.
  • after pizza for lunch at The Zone, we returned for a nap.
  • taco supper at the Pharr American Legion; mmm... good!
  • evening bingo at the Hall; Candy split on jackpot with 3 others; the rest of us, nothing.
  • very warm, muggy, & cloudy all day; looked like imminent rain several times; but nothing.
same course as last week; did you really expect different pictures

our table at the American Legion taco supper

I didn't say the music was good; but it's sure loud

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday - end of 2 weeks

  • another warm, almost calm morning, temp 70, some fog.
  • early morning bike ride of 4 miles - every road in the park.
  • made a run looking for bike computers; none found; had to come back & order them off the Internet.
  • Esmerelda backed her golf cart over here as it won't go forward; so Jim has another task.
  • Diane & Candy went furniture shopping in the afternoon.
  • all day was cloudy & cool; high 75.
  • took a few pictures around the park - for those who've never been here.
a cute fountain & patio across the road from us.

looking west down West Zircon Avenue - J&D's lot is 3rd on right.

this is the Hall veranda.

across the street are the shuffle board courts & the horseshoe pits.

looking out the front gate.

Sunday - quiet, but busy

  • another warm morning, temp 72, breezy; high to be 84.
  • 10 o'clock church service.
  • 2 mile bike ride.
  • Diane made a delicious beef roast dinner and had Dan & Candy & Willie over.
  • this afternoon, we attended a show, Aunti Kreamsaugen who was very funny.
  • afterward, since temp was over 85, J&D went swimming while I took a nap & watched the football game.
  • Diane prepared a wonderful supper on the veranda.
  • evening movie was Main Street - good flick, dumb ending.
Auntie Kreamsaugen & Jim

swimming pool area - particularly nice when temp is over 80

another angle of the same

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday - some work & some play

  • warm, calm morning; temp 72; suppose to be another warm day with temps in the mid 80s.
  • pancake breakfast at the hall this morning, like every Saturday.
  • one lady even came up and ask me if I had my new bike yet; how did she know I was getting one?
  • right after breakfast, did my daily 3 mile bike ride.
  • with the golf cart with a box in back, we hauled an outdoor table & chairs to the junk for Dan & Candy and then hauled several cement blocks left over from J&D's old A/C condenser to the junk.
  • Jim fixed Gary Wangen's golf cart.
  • the afternoon was spent at the Don-Wes fruit stand/market and the flea market across the road.
  • this evening we played bingo at the park up the road, Pharr South.
who says we never work; note their truck; and it's loaded

we're just about ready to head for the dump

our reward for all the hard work was a relaxing afternoon at the flea market

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday - end of a busy week

  • breezy, warm morning; temp 70
  • yesterday's report had one mistake; Jim didn't go to Karaoke last night (he must be sick).
  • the furnace guys finished the installation of the new heating/air conditioning unit about noon yesterday; so last night was the first night I could sleep without a heater beside my bed; and yesterday afternoon was warm but my room stayed comfortably cool; great addition.
  • several readers felt I was too hard on the jam show; for that I'm sorry; but there really needs to be some sort of auditioning control on the performers; maybe then I could enjoy the show   ;-)
  • after breakfast, Jim & I put together the gift in the box; it sure is pretty; I'm the envy of everybody in the park.
  • just before lunchtime, Dan & Candy & us headed for oranges at the Obst Family Farm Market in Alamo stopping at Long John Silver's for a fish sandwich lunch.
  • returned home for an afternoon nap.
  • since temp was in upper 80s, we had to go swimming (1st time in the water for Candy; 2 weeks after her hip surgery)
  • biked for a couple miles - first real exercise since I got down here.
  • early evening Walmart run
Sure doesn't look like your bicycle.

What dya' think this little thing-a-ma-jig is for?

It must go right here!

Do you think we'll ever figure out how to put this together so it works?
Look at that beautiful bike! How did my kids know what to buy me?

It's just like Jim & Diane's. Isn't that surprising!

Guess which one belongs to whom.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

  • very pleasant morning, calm, temp 62, cloudy; high today in the upper 70s.
  • Dan, Jim & I went to the Men's Breakfast at Taco Fiesta.
  • all 5 of us made another Lowe's run to get a patio table & chairs for Dan & Candy.
  • when we got home, there was a great big cardboard package sitting on our front step addressed to me. velly... intellesting...
  • this afternoon, Jim & Dan went bowling while Diane & Candy went to pick up Candy's new special shoes and attend a card-making seminar. I stayed home & napped & read the trib.
  • Diane & Candy cooperated on the fixings of a delicious supper at Dan & Candy's - ham, corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, & Mexican sponge cake. Mmm . . . good.
  • this evening, Jim's going to Karaoke at the hall; guess I might skip that . . .  after yesterday's show (I use that term loosely).
  • the first picture below of Diane & Candy is especially good of both of them. I forgot to send it yesterday.
Diane & Candy

What in the world is that large package on our step when we returned home at about 11 this morning?

Sure is big. Sits right by the front door.

Note thick soled shoe. Also, fresh corn-on-the-cob.

Wednesday: a new furnace, jam day, & the Redheds

  • much cooler, cloudy this morning; 58 at dawn; high only 62.
  • installers of the new furnace/air conditioner arrived bright & early and are working hard - but didn't finish - will be back tomorrow.
  • Jim & Dan made a Lowe's run
  • lunch at the hall before the jam.
  • I stayed at the jam just long enough to shoot the pictures below. Couldn't take any more that music. Ugh.
  • supper was with Dan & Candy at Taco Fiesta - catfish
  • evening show was Redhead Express and even better than last year. See pictures & videos of their show below.
"Ooh. That's so pretty!"

How can 300 people be wrong?

Because they're all nearly deaf . . .  including the performers on stage!

Yuck! That music (being kind) is terrible!

So then I decided to entertain myself with this panorama.

You need a sample in case you don't believe me.

Now, do you believe me?
Now these kids have some talent, most entertaining!

Now that's talent & really entertaining!