Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday - perfect weather

  • another warm, breezy, cloudy, not humid, morning; temp 73.
  • biked 3 miles this morning.
  • lunch at the Hall before the jam.
  • Jim attended the jam while Diane & I went grocery shopping.
  • after the jam & shopping, J&D went swimming while napped
  • evening's entertainers: Gold Wing Express; very entertaining.
  • and I shot 5 videos for you; enjoy!
beautiful sunset this evening; can you see Venus & the Moon?

our neighbor across the street when we left to go to the show

the Hall is filling up with the audience for the Gold Wing Express

the father with 3 Indian sons whose Indian mother died long ago when their boys were quite young

I have a couple more really good videos, but they're so large I can't upload them. I'll try to split them tomorrow and upload them then. Sorry.   :-(

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