Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And We're Off

Kathy picked us up at 6 this morning and took us to the airport. Flight was on time & uneventful. Lowell Stein & his wife met us at the Harlingen airport as Candy Saase had recent hip surgery and didn't get home from the hospital until late this afternoon. (Stein's had been staying at J&D's place for the last several weeks.) Made a grocery run to the new H-E-B. Pot luck supper was delicious. I'm skipping Bingo this evening to publish the blog update and to update the MSCIG site with new meeting minutes.

And now for the coup d'etat. (... and a hush fell over the audience...) 

Look at those beautiful bikes that Jim & Diane's kids bought them for Christmas. Very nice, kids. Thought you'd like to see them since you bought them sight unseen. Good job, Amy, Beth, Kristina, & Denise!

Printed gate passes early. Went to men's exercise this morning. Spent the afternoon with final packing. Jim & Diane arrived mid afternoon. Dan came by and took us all out to Perkin's for supper. Then Dan & Kath had some nice conversation with J&D. Went to bed early in preparation for Tuesday.

Went to the cemetery to say hello to Theresa. Washed the car on the way home. Had a nice luncheon with another RidgePointe resident at the nearby Redstone restaurant. Delicous Sunday brunch. Did a "dry pack" to see what would fit into my 2 suitcases. Fell asleep early in preparation for the week's activities.

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