- very pleasant morning, calm, temp 62, cloudy; high today in the upper 70s.
- Dan, Jim & I went to the Men's Breakfast at Taco Fiesta.
- all 5 of us made another Lowe's run to get a patio table & chairs for Dan & Candy.
- when we got home, there was a great big cardboard package sitting on our front step addressed to me. velly... intellesting...
- this afternoon, Jim & Dan went bowling while Diane & Candy went to pick up Candy's new special shoes and attend a card-making seminar. I stayed home & napped & read the trib.
- Diane & Candy cooperated on the fixings of a delicious supper at Dan & Candy's - ham, corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, & Mexican sponge cake. Mmm . . . good.
- this evening, Jim's going to Karaoke at the hall; guess I might skip that . . . after yesterday's show (I use that term loosely).
- the first picture below of Diane & Candy is especially good of both of them. I forgot to send it yesterday.
Diane & Candy
Way to leave people guessing about what's in the box! That's one way to keep people reading. :D