Tuesday, January 17, 2012

36 holes of miniature golf, swimming, & pot luck

  • another warm morning; temp at dawn is 70; high to be 86.
  • after breakfast, quick run to H-E-B to get meatballs for pot luck this evening.
  • we went miniature golfing and I lost; ugh - but I did manage to get one good photo (see below); and here's a link to the place we played at.
  • after pizza for lunch
  • and a short nap
  • we had to go swimming (temp = 95), while
  • Diane & Candy went to get special shoes for Candy as she has one leg over an inch shorter than the other (caused by the hip surgery of 1 1/2 weeks ago.
  • pot luck dinner tonight; mmm . . . it was good.
  • Jim & Diane played bingo while I relaxed from our strenuous day . . .  of play.
  • more tomorrow - enjoy the pictures - high tomorrow is to be no more than 66; i.e., much, much cooler!
now how did Roger teach me to tie these again?

great shot, Diane!

let's see that scorecard, Candy, I think you made a mistake!

"hurry up, my teeth are getting dry."

1 comment:

  1. Roger, I love the captions you put on the photos. Keep 'em coming!
