Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday - end of a busy week

  • breezy, warm morning; temp 70
  • yesterday's report had one mistake; Jim didn't go to Karaoke last night (he must be sick).
  • the furnace guys finished the installation of the new heating/air conditioning unit about noon yesterday; so last night was the first night I could sleep without a heater beside my bed; and yesterday afternoon was warm but my room stayed comfortably cool; great addition.
  • several readers felt I was too hard on the jam show; for that I'm sorry; but there really needs to be some sort of auditioning control on the performers; maybe then I could enjoy the show   ;-)
  • after breakfast, Jim & I put together the gift in the box; it sure is pretty; I'm the envy of everybody in the park.
  • just before lunchtime, Dan & Candy & us headed for oranges at the Obst Family Farm Market in Alamo stopping at Long John Silver's for a fish sandwich lunch.
  • returned home for an afternoon nap.
  • since temp was in upper 80s, we had to go swimming (1st time in the water for Candy; 2 weeks after her hip surgery)
  • biked for a couple miles - first real exercise since I got down here.
  • early evening Walmart run
Sure doesn't look like your bicycle.

What dya' think this little thing-a-ma-jig is for?

It must go right here!

Do you think we'll ever figure out how to put this together so it works?
Look at that beautiful bike! How did my kids know what to buy me?

It's just like Jim & Diane's. Isn't that surprising!

Guess which one belongs to whom.

1 comment:

  1. Let's see... yours is the one with the cleanest tires! At least for now... ;) Enjoy your new bike! Hope it wasn't too difficult to put together.

    What do you carry around in that cup holder, basket and back thing-a-ma-jig?
