Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday: a new furnace, jam day, & the Redheds

  • much cooler, cloudy this morning; 58 at dawn; high only 62.
  • installers of the new furnace/air conditioner arrived bright & early and are working hard - but didn't finish - will be back tomorrow.
  • Jim & Dan made a Lowe's run
  • lunch at the hall before the jam.
  • I stayed at the jam just long enough to shoot the pictures below. Couldn't take any more that music. Ugh.
  • supper was with Dan & Candy at Taco Fiesta - catfish
  • evening show was Redhead Express and even better than last year. See pictures & videos of their show below.
"Ooh. That's so pretty!"

How can 300 people be wrong?

Because they're all nearly deaf . . .  including the performers on stage!

Yuck! That music (being kind) is terrible!

So then I decided to entertain myself with this panorama.

You need a sample in case you don't believe me.

Now, do you believe me?
Now these kids have some talent, most entertaining!

Now that's talent & really entertaining!


  1. Roger.....your comments on the first group made me laugh outloud!!! After listening to your little snipits....I didn't think they were that bad. Is it because you don't like that kind of music or the entire show was horrible?

  2. Beth, why would you think I didn't like the jam music. Only a few minor details hindered my enjoyment.
    1) I can't stand country music even when it's done well!
    2) The jam session performers weren't even good enough to sing karoake. Even Jim suggested we send some of them back there.
    3) The program lasted 3 hours with the Redhead Express coming on at the end singing 2 numbers in perfect harmony and real entertainment. Entertainment programs should never go over 2 hours.
    4) Need I say more?

    Sorry if you got the wrong assessment of your Uncle Roger. ;-))

  3. I didn't think they were all that bad either. But 3 hours is ridiculously too long no matter who is playing/singing!
