Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday - another Bingo win

  • clear, calm, warm morning; temp 68; high to be 86.
  • craft sale today in our Hall; unfortuneately, both Diane & Beth will miss it; Beth departing today; Diane arriving late today.
  • morning was min-golf at The Zone again; gusty winds to 57 mph.
  • riding my bike home from golf, I stop for the mail; my computer was hung on the handle bar; it tipped over; now my computer screen is cracked; oh well - I wanted a new computer anyhow.
  • late after noon, I drove over to the McAllen airport to pick up Jim & Diane who returned.
  • evening we play Bingo at the Hall; Dan & I both won jackpots; yippee.
I must be sick this morning cuz' that picture seems fuzzy; what did I drink last night; did someone at Bingo slip me a mickey?

Proof #3
#1 has the most votes, so far

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday - last guests depart

  • calm, cloudy, warm morning; temp 67; high to be upper 70s.
  • had to cut my bike ride short due to heavy mist rain.
  • MN picnic committees meeting at 9 at MJ's; see separate minutes.
  • then before the kids came, I went over to Candy's to diagnose her sick computer that wouldn't even boot up.
  • while there, her mother came by requesting help unloading some groceries she had bought, so I did that.
  • then when I got back home the kids had arrived and I helped Liam prepare breakfast for all of us that we ate on the patio; he's a good cook.
  • kids left for South Padre at about 11:30; sure is quiet around here; tomorrow evening, Jim & Diane return; so I need to wash towels & vacuum; plenty of time.
  • napped while the load of towels were washing.
  • afternoon cleared, got hot (80), so I went out for my full 4 mile bike ride.
  • when I got back, I found a golf cart in the driveway and a lady in the back yard painting a donkey. Thanks, Candy.
  • Candy called as her computer wouldn't connect after she had lost power; I was able to restore full operation.
  • made a small grocery run to H-E-B, had supper, watched tv, & went to bed.
ooo... this is fun

how does this look?

the 9th floor sure is high

nice hotel right on the beach

we can fly

hope there's no sharks around here
don't get your pants wet
is this close enough?
proof #1

Sunday - traveling

  • cool morning; temp 54; high to be 73.
  • picked up Everett & Sally Leland, Brad's 2nd cousin.
  • picked up our friend, Dale Thompson.
  • ate lunch at Logan's Roadhouse.
  • drove up to Don-Wes flea market to get spice
  • drove to Chimney Rock to get picture of kids climbing wall; never found wall; found another 2nd cousin of Brad at Chimney Rock RV Park & Resort.
  • when we go home we found a strange bike beside the others; and then we found Candy in the back yard painting the donkey.
  • then we had to drive back to Chimney Rock to get Beth's purse.
  • on our way home, we drove up & down Cage looking for a Mexican non-fast food restaurant; finally ended up at Poncho's again.
  • now swimming as everyone was too tired.
at Logan's Roadhouse

I think she's showin' off

nice fruit

chimney rock

ladies deciding

I'm pisst

what's happenin'

I just love to paint

they caught me

don't know if I can eat all of that

formal photo for park picture roster

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday - busy, busy, busy

  • bad weather day: blustery, hard rain, cold; temp 46.
  • might even be to bad to go to Mexico today.
  • Bill Duenow's Memorial Service starts in a half hour, at 11 in Spicer, Minnesota; Bill was Diane's dad; may he rest in peace.
  • late morning Beth's family & I drove over to Nuevo Progresso, Mexico; lunch at Artero's was excellent as usual; and Beth & Lexi found lots of great bargains to purchase at the various Progresso shops.
  • Beth & family went to Pharr South for the evening dinner & Bingo.
  • while I joined Ruth Casey & June & Dick Kohler for a concert at McAllen Convention Center, called American Spirit; Irene provided her ticket as she wasn't going; all 3 have season tickets at that theater.
  • American Spirit was a musical with wonderful music and a lot of spirit; most enjoyable! Thank you, Irene.
  • and when I got home; guess what? everyone was already in the pool.
  • and do I have a lot of pictures for you tonight; enjoy 'em!
what's up, doc?

what a sweet couple!

who are those 3 young people?

what is a mariachi band?

you're in Mexico - no, you're in the United States - no . . .

Where is Arturo?

"now if I could just find the paint brush" - Liam 

guess who got a Mexican haircut?

smile, dammit! 

ooo... you look so nice.

now how does this work, again?

is this Uncle Roger's or Grandpa Jim's? 

Hope I didn't get Jim's with that bad tire!

okay, tell me how to play 31.

duh, I dunno.

I think I can beat Candy's 25.

let's just play cards.

smile darn ya, smile.

Dan & his mother-in-law, Irene with all those boards. ugh.

if those people in Minnesota could just see us now!

Friday - hosting new guests

  • breezy, gusty (cold front coming through), cloudy, foggy, warm morning; temp 70; high to be 70, dropping to 45 this evening; rain expected; unusual weather.
  • blustery rainy morning;by 10 AM temp is down to 59.
  • napped
  • during a minor break in the clouds, I went biking.
  • left about 5:30 to meet Beth's flight; Beth, Brad, Liam & Lexi all arrived on schedule.
  • stopped at Poncho's on our way home for a Mexican supper; Mexican bands were great.
  • of course, all had to come back and go swimming; was up till midnight; late for an old timer.
  • the first 2 pictures are of our earlier visitors; I'll include Beth's pictures on tomorrow's blog.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday - projects

  • calm, warm morning; temp 70; high to be 91.
  • men's breakfast at Taco Fiesta with 29 guys was back home in 55 minutes.
  • several guys asked if I was Jim or Roger; so I told them about Jim & Diane returning to MN for Diane's dad's funeral.
  • skipped bowling today staying home getting caught up on projects.
  • temp is not reaching 90 because of the constant overcast.; evening was mid 80s, very calm, & very muggy; change is coming.
  • evening dinner at WhatABurger.
  • received a picture from Diane (in Minnesota) to share with you.
  • am skipping Karaoke at the Hall this evening.
Guess Who?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday - all alone

  • breezy, warm morning; temp 72; high to be 85.
  • up at 4 to take Jim & Diane to the McAllen airport for their 6 AM flight; it was late departing by over an hour.
  • on my bike ride this morning, I met Candy walking Willie; so we chatted a bit.
  • mid morning, Dan & Candy called from Sears - Auto to come pick them up as their van needed service.
  • hot dog lunch at the Hall before the Jam.
  • attended first half hour of Jam; just not my kinda music; although 2 old classical barbershop songs were done - Baby Face & All Of Me - with my bias, they sound better a Capella.
  • Kathy Bailey asked me to come over to help her with a Internet connection problem; didn't fix her problem; but was able to get AT&T person to come fix it tomorrow morning.
  • early evening, ran errands to Walmart, Wells Fargo, & H-E-B.
  • am skipping the evening entertainment due to my early hour of rising.
  • and sorry, no pictures tonight.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday - William Duenow, R.I.P.

  • pleasant, warm, morning with light fog; temp 62.
  • my daughter, Kathy, reported that Plymouth where she lives had the most snow in the Twin Cities area: 5"; she sent me a picture taken from her front door.
  • last night, Diane's father, who had been ill for some time, passed away; plans are pending for Diane & Jim to attend the funeral in Minnesota.
  • miniature golf was not available due to an on-site tournament; but we didn't find out until we drove over; ugh.
  • for the information of the blog readers, Diane's father was William Duenow of Spicer, MN; funeral services are Saturday, February 25th at 11 AM in Spicer; click his name for a link to his obituary.
  • Dan & Candy bought Diane a palm tree in memory of her father which Jim & Dan planted in the back yard (see picture)
  • had supper with Dan & Candy at Taco Fiesta.
  • Jim played evening Bingo.