Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday - last guests depart

  • calm, cloudy, warm morning; temp 67; high to be upper 70s.
  • had to cut my bike ride short due to heavy mist rain.
  • MN picnic committees meeting at 9 at MJ's; see separate minutes.
  • then before the kids came, I went over to Candy's to diagnose her sick computer that wouldn't even boot up.
  • while there, her mother came by requesting help unloading some groceries she had bought, so I did that.
  • then when I got back home the kids had arrived and I helped Liam prepare breakfast for all of us that we ate on the patio; he's a good cook.
  • kids left for South Padre at about 11:30; sure is quiet around here; tomorrow evening, Jim & Diane return; so I need to wash towels & vacuum; plenty of time.
  • napped while the load of towels were washing.
  • afternoon cleared, got hot (80), so I went out for my full 4 mile bike ride.
  • when I got back, I found a golf cart in the driveway and a lady in the back yard painting a donkey. Thanks, Candy.
  • Candy called as her computer wouldn't connect after she had lost power; I was able to restore full operation.
  • made a small grocery run to H-E-B, had supper, watched tv, & went to bed.
ooo... this is fun

how does this look?

the 9th floor sure is high

nice hotel right on the beach

we can fly

hope there's no sharks around here
don't get your pants wet
is this close enough?
proof #1

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