Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday - end of 4 weeks - lazy day

  • cool, breezy morning; temp 51.
  • (last Saturday was a big day in my life; but I wasn't even able to attend the celebration; my eldest grandson, Garth Nolan Meyer, graduated from college. So in recognition of that life altering event, I've included a few pictures of the event and of Garth; congratulations, Garth; we are very proud of you; pictures are below.)
  • this noon, Denise & Diane & Candy attended a women's luncheon & style show at the Hall; Jim & Dan & I did room setup & teardown.
  • in the afternoon while napped, Denise, Diane, Nolan, & Jim returned to LaPlaza Mall for shopping they didn't get done yesterday.
  • Denise cooked supper of wonderfully delicious stuffed peppers and a dish of fresh fruit; mmmm . . . . . good.
  • this evening, Jim's playing cards while Denise, Nolan & Diane go swimming (temp: 55); and I played photographer.
Style Show Decorating Committee or . . .

Denise's wonderfully delicious stuffed pepper.

tough looking group - Texas Holdem'?

Whatdya think their game is?

Jim's in the far back right corner.

Didn't seem to playin' much cards.

it's cold out here; brrr.....

the hot tub's a little better, Mom

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