Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday - another Bingo win

  • clear, calm, warm morning; temp 68; high to be 86.
  • craft sale today in our Hall; unfortuneately, both Diane & Beth will miss it; Beth departing today; Diane arriving late today.
  • morning was min-golf at The Zone again; gusty winds to 57 mph.
  • riding my bike home from golf, I stop for the mail; my computer was hung on the handle bar; it tipped over; now my computer screen is cracked; oh well - I wanted a new computer anyhow.
  • late after noon, I drove over to the McAllen airport to pick up Jim & Diane who returned.
  • evening we play Bingo at the Hall; Dan & I both won jackpots; yippee.
I must be sick this morning cuz' that picture seems fuzzy; what did I drink last night; did someone at Bingo slip me a mickey?

Proof #3
#1 has the most votes, so far

1 comment:

  1. Is that Diane behind Jim? Looks like she is excited to see you... then on second look, I see that that is someone else hiding behind her.

    Too bad about your laptop.
