Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday - haircuts & entertainment

  • another warm, lite breeze, cloudy morning; temp 66; high to be 86.
  • after coffee at the Hall with the men, we drove over to Alamo for a $5 haircut.
  • lunch at the Hall (before the Jam).
  • I stayed for the start of the Jam. The first song was an instrumental arrangement of Down Yonder which was my father's favorite song. It was most entertaining. But that was the end of the entertainment. After that, they started calling people to come up on stage and sing. And their singing was awful at best. So I was hoping for another instrumental piece, but left after 5 vocalists. 
  • after a nap, biked 2 miles; nice after noon; temp 80
  • this afternoon, I moved a large potted plant to the back yard for Diane to paint the pot. (see pictures)
  • while we were doing this, Candy was staining the new door on the closet where the old furnace use to  be.
  • evening's entertainment show are the Fab 4 with Tammy & Jay; very enjoyable show of 50s music.
Down Yonder (Instrumental).

Vocalist 1

Vocalist 2

Vocalist 3

Is this the way you do it?

Oh well, here goes nothin'.

Another beautiful sunset.

Eloise, across the street, rebuilt her fountain.

Tammy & Jay and the Fab 4 - very entertaining.

Song 1 - can't remember it's name.

Song 2 - also can't remember it's name.

Song 3 - would you believe that I can't remember the name of it. Ugh.

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